Mike Sorge background
Late 2009, following a career in Sales & Marketing, Mike took a weekend class in woodturning, found his creative passion, set up a lathe studio, joined Central Ohio Woodturners, and studied DVDs from professional turners including Richard Raffan, David Ellsworth, John Jordan, Mike Mahoney, Jimmy Clewes, Glenn Lucas... (“If I have seen further, it’s because of having stood on the shoulders of giants.” ~ Isaac Newton.)
During 2010, in between roughing out over 1000 bowls, Mike explored and evolved "winged" forms which ultimately became his primary focus. The positive themes and aesthetics Mike strives to achieve throughout his body of work - Lotus Blossom Vessels, Manta Ray Boxes, Spirit Birds, Trillium Floral Boxes, Triple Diamond Pagodas - are inspired by his multi-cultural studies, ancient and contemporary, and his love of nature, a body of work that seeks to both calm and engage the human spirit.
Mike's distinctions include many art show awards as well as participation in events such as the Smithsonian American Fine Craft Show and exhibitions in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida. "Art show and exhibition awards are nice, but they mean little compared to seeing the joy individuals experience through my work." ~ Mike Sorge
Mike has provided demonstrations and classes for AAW Clubs in many states and enjoys encouraging others to explore, experience and evolve their woodturning endeavors.
"Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist." ~ Pablo Picasso
"An ounce of practice is worth tons of preaching." ~ Ghandi
"Effort advances understanding, develops skill, and leads to new discovering." ~ mjs
"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome." ~ Arthur Ashe