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Date: 11/4/2024
Subject: Info on logging into Club Express
From: Mike Moore

Just a quick note regarding logging into your Club Express account.  When your account was activated, you should have received a login ID and temporary password from Club Express.  Note this is different from the login and password that you used for the current CMW website (soon to be the old website).  If you have any issues logging in, please contact me at ~~president_email~~ or Rich Pohland at ~~membership_director_email~~ and we will reset your password and send your login info.
Also, we are working on implementing Stripe as a 2nd method to pay by credit card.  Currently the system shows you can pay by check or PayPal (which also has a credit card option).  In the next couple of days, we should have Stripe up and running so you don't have to go through PayPal to pay by credit card.
Thanks for your support in working through these last-minute issues.
Mike Moore
CMW President