Tim Hoyt - Sycamore - Safety First
Bruce and Trish Pratt - Buckeye Burl and Epoxy - 4 in. x 3.5 in. - Hybrid
Bruce and Trish Pratt - Ash - 10 in. x 3 in. - Spring Dogwood
Bruce and Trish Pratt - 13 in. x 4 in. - Ambrosia Maple
Jim Duxbury - Maple, Dyed Birch - 8 in. - Small Stool
Jack Edmonston - Walnut - 14 in. x 7 in. - Open Hollowform
Jim Brandon - Maple and Walnut - Flame Bowl
Shaun Freese - Walnut and Willow - 12. in - Lighthouse
Greg Schramek - Walnut - 12 in. x 12 in. - Fish #2
Bill Walter - Red Maple - 5 in. - Tucker 101
Greg Schramek - Sycamore - Fish #1
Greg Schramek - Maple Burl - Vase
John Stiehler - Walnut, Cherry, Maple - Kaleidoscope
Jo Miller - Cherry
Jim and Jean Johnston - 12 in. - Maple
Jim Duxbury - Bloodwood and Maple - 12 in. - Puzzle Tray
Bill Collison - Ash, Dyed Natural Edge - 23 in. x 16 in. - Big Red Bowl
Pat Thobe - Mixed Boxes
Thom Crothers - Maple - 8 in. x .875 in - One Piece Goblet
John Stiehler - Arrowmont Projects
Tim Swihart - Firewood (unknown)
Dawn Lytle - Purple Heart and Maple Bowls
Jo Miller - Arrowmont
Pat Thobe Purple Heart Bowl - Walnut Tool - Maple 6 sided Bowl
Mike Seltzer - Maple and Cherry Hexagon Box - Maple Jewelry Box
Bill Lancaster - Honey Locust, 6 in. - Purple Heart, 4 in. - Soft Maple, 6 in.
Don Olsen - Ambrosia Maple - 12 in. high
Don Olsen - Cherry - 11 in. wide
Don Olsen - Weeping Cherry - 12 in. high
Glenn Schmidt - Ash - 10 in. x 5.5 in. - Old Blue
Glenn Schmidt - Cherry and Pine - Happy Times
Bob Gunther - Reef - 22 in. - many woods
Glenn Schmidt - Ambrosia Maple - 6 in. x 6.5 in - Vase
Bob Gunther - Poplar and Cherry - 10 in. - Juicer